Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas morning

Wow T and I haven't celebrated Christmas on the 25th in so many years.  with just the two of us we more likely wrip our presents open around the 22nd or 23rd!

this tree I think is the best Christmas tree i've ever seen, it was perfect

Nancy's mom Betty was over as well, always nice to see her

Dave got an old arts and crafts clock, made around the same time as his house. Mom got the best deal ever on it and thought he should have it

after the fun of opening presents Dave made us a great breakfast, it was like being at a restaurant, he made exactly what you ordered. I swear breakfast is my favorite meal. I never eat until around 3-5pm. i'm a night owl and stay up all night then don't get up till around 11-12 the next day. I don't eat until I get to work and certainly not breakfast food. I LOVE breakfast food, note to self must have breakfast food more often

Dad on toast duty, only he likes his burnt so we had to remind him, WE DON'T

after that a must walk was had by myself, T and the girls. they took funny pics of themselves

love this one

we did the Abbey Road Beatles cover

one of the neighbours bought one of the Olympic Bears, they were auctioned off as well as many other things

more to come ...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas everyone!

Sorry for the slow going blogs. i've been so busy visiting and travelling but now back at home and back at it at work

things will still move slowly as i've not only gotten a new digital camera but a new laptop as well. Merry Christmas to my dwindling bank account. i'm working several 12hr days ahead so my learning curve will be dreadfully long

here goes

I dropped Mom and Dad at the ferry on Dec 22/10 and they went over to Daves in Victoria. T and I joined them for Christmas on the 24th

the food is unedible on the ferry so we brought our own

my camera has several options so trying some new ones out, I do love black and white. I tried putting hair gel in my hair, as you can see it looks hidious. I tried to soften the blow for you all by changing this one to black and white

the winds were high and the ferry rocking back and forth so thought an apple and cheese would help

we got lovely fake diamond rings at the terminal, such a good price

we arrived at Daves finally

he was waiting with drinkies and pie. they were lucky Nancy's mom Betty gave everyone a lesson in pie crust making and they made several pies

the girls together again, everyone is so grown up now

more as soon as I can muster up some strength between work work work and the doggers

oh and by the way I feel absolutely freakin huge! Christmas goodies have not done me any favours

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ask and you shall receive

My parents are the best. they asked what they could do to help me out. I didn't want to be greedy and have them do ANYTHING on this vacation. I have to admit though this is one of my dreams

I have few treasures in my life. this one was given to me many years ago. i've enjoyed it and been sad when it was packed away. but its back, lovely!

its a brass chandelier from the early 1900s, love love love

I asked my Dad if he could wire it so it was a plug in. i'm tired of hard wiring into the ceiling when I might want to move it different places. now here it is as a perfect living room light. i've always had to run around turning on all the lamps but now I can flick the switch and this beauty will behold me

it still needs to be polished to perfection and definitely some very soft low watt bulbs put in, i'm more than happy about this

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Combining two days into one

Still having major difficulties with my computer, although I must say alot of it is just because the cat sleeps on it and keeps changing the settings.

so yesterday we went to a Christmas show at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre. Mom really wanted to go because she heard people from all over the world would be there and thought she could get some great ideas. it was unfortunately not what we hoped it would be

there was a German village built outside and that was the whole show. there were vendors everywhere around this village but their wares were quite expensive. we stayed under an hour then split

while I was returning the mug I used for my hot wine cider I dropped my camera. I was devistated because it appeared to not be working so my mission was to get a new camera. which quite frankly I needed anyways

these pics could be Christmas Cards

then home to continue T and Mom's baking

today we went thrift storing, T and I came downstairs in the excact same outfit, oh well we didn't bother changing

didn't buy this but thought about it

look at this lovely table cover, it took Mom's eye to spy it. glad she was there

a little closer of a look, its very rich looking

our bun and meat and cheese spread

thank goodness Dad took the time to unravel this mess, I was frustrated and ready to throw it away

some Christmas gifts for my friends kids

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Christmas Carol Project

What a lovely day we had!

we started off at Granville Island, its Dad's old haunt, he not only use to work a stones throw away but his yacht club was there as well

sweet memories

I must say i've eaten more today than I do generally in 3 days

we started off with this

oh and then this


I got the most wonderful gift from my parents. I would never in a million years splurge on such a thing for myself but have honestly been looking for one for years

a fedora

we shopped around and found this quaint little shop for tarts it says, well i'm a tart, or a tart wannabe anyways

Dad wanted to go right in, we're like no, its not real tarts

there was a wonderful little courtyard with shops and these great iron gates, thats me talking to someone

we came home to change and take some pics, went outside where it was cold and chilly for that, I love this one of mom and dad

this is what I settled on wearing, changed my mind because I now had a fedora to compliment

 then went to The Christmas Carol Project, it was awesome, great, fabulous everything I wanted it to be

this group of guys I know from Edmonton have created this show based on A Christmas Carol. it plays out musically. they wrote their owns songs based on their characters. about 10 years ago I sang back up for my friends band. we travelled around as a back up band for these guys. such lovely times

we started off in the bar and ate this

you've met Karen Stu and Jessie before I believe, very good people. they have their own studio so we jam into the wee hours

my camera SUCKS!

these are the pics I got of the show, apparently i'm on acid. they started out with a 60min round table so to speak. they all played one of their own songs. i'm sure you'll get a warm and fuzzy feeling for it from these

then a 15min break and onto the Christmas Carol itself

somewhat ok pic, thats Scruge in the middle and the sexiest stage man alive on his right, Al Brandt, he mezmerizes me with his stage persona, he's even better standing, but this was a sitting show for the most part

another great day today, i'll tell you about it tomorrow