Monday, November 28, 2011

Mom and Dads Nov/11 - 2

The next day we woke up to this, thank goodness I didn't drive, I would have fretted the whole time

Grace and Dale came for a visit

Mom and I spent the day putting the Christmas lights and timers on the trees and spot light

then we went to town to by thai for dinner

Mom used to work in this restaurant when she was a teenager, she says my Grandma got her the job

this was the soda fountain area

then we spent the night decorating their tree

David called, Dad holding up the phone so we could all talk, I hate speaker phone

T turned 25!!!! wow

her and about 28 other friends rented a limo and went out for the night to clubs and casino, they were out ALL night, must have been fun

more later

Friday, November 25, 2011

On the fly back east

Just got back from Mom and Dads, lovely visit as usual

Vancouver airport art

I usually save the dogger pics until last but their soooo cute

so this is whats it like when I get home, they can't get close enough to me

however after enough of that I tell them to lay down, then I get this hurt look

Chris picked me up at the airport, still learning my camera and couldn't get a great pic because it was dark in the truck

Mom and Dad had a lovely roast beef dinner waiting for us

the next day Dad went with Henry for a nice drive and lunch

Mom and I went to the flea market to rearrange some things and do some housekeeping

I didn't like this painting for the longest time, its creepy, but now that its up I do quite like the weirdness of it

then we went home, all the Christmas decorations are up

I would like some of this detail under the roofline of my house, looks easy enough except my window is so close to the roof

no matter how small the village there is still a liquor store, priorities priorities

we had the leftover roast beef as hot open faced beef sandwiches, yum

I just love Mom's coleslaw