Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mom and Dads - 2 - Jan/12

It all starts off as usual

this time I flew via Toronto so I could arrive earlier in the day.  haven't been to Pearson in ages, lots of restaurants for sure

and lots of moving sidewalks

love walls of water, this is a store window of water

outside it made T.O. look pretty cold

coming into Ottawa it looked much nicer out, however, found out later from Margo the weather was lovely in T.O. where as, it was quite cold in Ottawa, well for me anyway; everyone else was telling me how mild it was out

Chris, the lovely man, picked me up at the airport and brought me to Dad who was in the hospital, he needed a little tune up

looking chipper as ever and loving all the company

this is the crap they make you eat..needless to say we always bring food, one could starve to death without an outside source

hey everyone, don't forget, its Dads Birthday Feb, 1/12, give him all your best wishes

more later

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Outfit for the Day

This is what I actually wore, yesterday:

Gap long sleeve t
Casa Blanco long light sweater
H&M tights
Walmart boots
Fairweather chain necklace

ciao for now

Saturday, January 21, 2012

When it Rains it Pores

Remember a couple of years ago when I had the backyard dug up with my water problem

this is what I came home to tonight

its drained now but this drain outside was all backed up

so was the drain inside

I plunged, then went to get the pump and hose, when I came back I was pleased to see it had started to drain itself. I though lovely thats that

oh look that hose I kept telling myself to put in the shed is frozen solid, right on

in my defense, it never gets this cold here, who would have thunk?

about a half hour after cleaning everything up I went back down to the basement to see there was still water pooling?

the hot water tank is leaking, SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!

thank goodness someone in my life labeled the fuse box (probably Dad)

the other day I heard a dripping sound from T's bedroom, opened the door and realized her window has so much condensation and with the freakiness cold it had frozen the window solid and was now thawing

I didn't dare touch it but the next day put the blow dryer to it

shitty windows in this old house, anyways keep a vigilant eye on it for the winter

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Still freezing here

This is what I wore today

H&M purple bunched neckline Sweater Dress
Walmart boots
black tights
Suzy Sheir black sparkly leg warmers

and thats that...I love outfits that I can throw on in minutes and feel cozy enough to feel like sweats

 put my hair in a high ponytail

sleep tight

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Another day

So much work these days, for those of you that don't know it snowed here and is now really cold and F'ing this whole city up

good for the pocket book

this is what I wore today:

Casa Blanca lighweight sweater jacket
Gap long sleeve tee
chain belt
Target skinny cargo pants
Fairweather boots

and... my new washer and dryer showed up, can you believe 47 and the first new washer and dryer I've ever had, always bought second hand

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Something New

I've started an exciting new blog called Globe Dater

I vow to spend the next year dating, yes, dating

I know I've said it before but this time I really mean it

gotta tell you though its quite a nightmare out there. I figure the only thing that will keep me going is to have a steady flow of people encouraging me to, go on. it doesn't take much to knock the wind out of my sails. seems a date every 2-3 years actually. they never seem to go that well

anyways, here's the link


put the link in your favorites because it hasn't populated in Google yet


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Family Photos

Look at the lovebirds, do you believe it, over 50yrs now


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mom and Dad Jan/12 - 4

Then my last day always come before I want it to

bye Mom

bye Dad

and back on the train

and back on a plane

Ottawa airport art

this is the freakin mess I drove home in last night, YIKES!!!!!. the biggest problem area for me is the F'n humongous bridge, it turns into a freaken ice block

closed my eyes to it all and hoped it would be gone today, no such luck, this was this morning

my property is around 500 feet elevated so when I got onto the lower road is what better, made it to work safely

where do I live anyways, ONTARIO

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mom and Dad's Jan/12 - 3

Mom and I went to the market to see whats up

Frankie, Moms good friend fresh off the train from NYC where her son lives. and exciting stories to tell

don't you just love this old stove

after Dad went to bed Mom and I went outside to play in the snow, it was fun

the moon was spectacular, look at that ring of color, can't figure out why but it was cool

bye bye for now