Sunday, August 29, 2010

Roof part drie

with the overhang all built the gravy started to happen, now we can see something baby

Jen having a look

after the one side was done onto the other

I went into the attic to check things out after Dave saw something black fly out. There were no bats inside and all looked well

by the third day we were all pretty tired. Star taking a well deserved cat nap after lunch

at night we would go out to be entertained

we'd have some of this

and look at this

and eat this

and was entertained by her

this is Dinah D she is a local girl on the island and part of the Kurplunks. They have been nominated two years in a row for a Juno Award

oh my gosh I can't tell you what a great time the boys had! I think they were in heaven, the freedom was incredible just ready for anything. This is in the morning because we generally go out at around that time. Everytime you move they anticipate something great coming and are always ready for it

I took them swimming. That was funny. Carter just headed straight out to sea. I was wondering for a bit if I was going for a swim or not. Crazy boy eventually turned around and came back. Iggy just loved to try to drown Carter whenever he came close enough

night night

1 comment:

  1. Good job on the pics. You got it covered from start to finish!

    Too bad you didn't get anyone to quote on the flashing. I'll try to get up there in the next month to see if I can put some tar paper on the back for the winter. Maybe even put a drip flashing on that part for now.

    I like the look of the loft all painted too.

