Oh my gosh after 22 days the man finally gets a drink of water, what! not scotch
Dad has been asking for water since I talked to him prior to his surgery, finally got it today. he looks alot better as well
they did a rush dialysis yesterday as he was getting fluid in his lungs. who would have realized all that the kidneys do?
today he looks tons better and has even started physio for his bones, I laid in bed for four days with the flu and felt crappy, work hard Dad
my favorite house of Elvis'
1174 N. Hillcrest road, google it and go down to street view, I love looking around
I just love this house and have studied it throughly, the pics I copied are crappy but you can go to Pricillas website and check out all the houses he lived in, quite a bit of info on all types of things from the time Pricilla was with Elvis
scroll down and go to Presley homes
he was such a private person, a recluse actually. poor thing, he was so famous he couldn't really go out in public. I've read more interviews from people that travelled with him and felt sorry for him. while they were all say, going to the beach to enjoy, Elvis had to stay behind cooped up in the hotel so there wouldn't be a mob scene. other than his inner cirlce he trusted few and had few close friends. one of all people that sticks out is none other than Tom Jones
Graceland and this home in LA were the two places that fans lined up outside day and night to see the King come and go. he was soooo good to them always stopping to sign autographs and coming out to the gate to greet people
as it looks today
whomever owns this house today has it listed as a lease at 25,000 a month, here is the link to that site
1174 N. Hillcrest road
what i'm wearing:
Costa Blanco purple cardigan
Target black and grey striped tee
black Joe balloon skirt
black opaque striped Target tights
thrifted black Billabong leather belt with attached coin purse
newly thrifted black wedges
I was so pleased to finally find these black wedges, I have been searching for ages and knew it was just a matter of time
oh and look at these chanellesque quilted black wedge boots I found at the thrift store recently. I like them but wish the faux fur wasn't on them so I could wear them year round
and sharing a little heat and light with my new friend, trying to stop and smell the roses or tulips in this case. i'll do anything to add a little brightness into my day